sahabad sugar mill dot com

April 3, 2024

### The Sahabad Sugar Mill: A Keystone of Agricultural and Economic Development in Haryana

#### Introduction

Nestled in the heart of Kurukshetra, Haryana, the Sahabad Sugar Mill represents a significant chapter in the region’s agricultural and industrial narrative. Established with a robust infrastructure capable of crushing 5,000 tonnes of sugarcane per day, this mill is not just a production facility but a cornerstone of local community support and economic stability. With a substantial capacity for energy co-generation at 24 MW, it has made notable strides in sustainable industrial practices.

#### Operational Excellence

At the core of Sahabad Sugar Mill's operations is the advanced processing of sugarcane, facilitated by state-of-the-art technology and machinery. This technological integration ensures efficiency and high-quality sugar production, meeting both national and international standards. The infrastructure of the mill is designed to optimize the various stages of sugar processing, from cane collection to the final sugar output, ensuring a seamless operational flow.

#### Agricultural Support and Community Engagement

The mill's impact extends beyond industrial metrics, deeply rooting itself in the agricultural community. Supporting approximately 8,977 sugarcane growers from 375 surrounding villages, Sahabad Sugar Mill has established a reserved area for cane supply, ensuring a stable and reliable market for local farmers. This symbiotic relationship enhances agricultural productivity and introduces modern farming techniques, contributing to regional agricultural advancements.

The mill’s community engagement efforts are further exemplified by its role as a major employer and its active participation in local development programs. These initiatives not only bolster the local economy but also foster a sense of community and shared purpose.

#### Environmental and Sustainability Practices

Sustainability is a core element of the operational philosophy at Sahabad Sugar Mill. The facility's approach to environmental conservation includes efficient waste management systems that recycle by-products and effluents, energy conservation measures, and water management practices that ensure the sustainability of local water resources. These practices underscore the mill’s commitment to an eco-friendly operational model.

#### Technology and Innovations

Technology plays a pivotal role in the mill's operations, with sophisticated ERP systems for management and logistical operations. This digital backbone supports efficient and transparent operations, enhancing productivity and operational accountability. Innovations in sugarcane processing techniques also enable the mill to enhance yield and quality, setting benchmarks in the sugar industry.

#### Economic Impact

Sahabad Sugar Mill is a vital economic engine for the region. Its operations significantly contribute to the local economy through direct employment and by fostering a thriving ecosystem of ancillary industries. The export of sugar bolsters India's international trade dynamics, establishing the mill as an important player in the global sugar market.

#### Challenges and Issues

Despite its successes, the mill faces several challenges, including intense market competition, regulatory hurdles, and the inherent volatility of agricultural commodities. These challenges necessitate continual adaptation and strategic planning to ensure long-term sustainability and growth.

#### Ethanol Production and Future Projects

In alignment with national interests in alternative fuels, Sahabad Sugar Mill has embarked on an ambitious project to establish a $12.7 million ethanol production plant. This venture is not only expected to diversify the mill's revenue streams but also contribute to national energy security initiatives. The ethanol produced will serve dual purposes—fueling vehicles and potentially powering the mill itself, thereby reducing its carbon footprint.

#### Farmer Support Programs and Initiatives

To reinforce its commitment to the agricultural sector, the mill has instituted various farmer support services. These include an inquiry system for farmers, providing them with a platform to communicate directly with the mill, and educational programs that disseminate modern agricultural practices and technologies. These initiatives have proven instrumental in enhancing sugarcane yield and quality, thereby benefiting both the farmers and the mill.

#### Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

The CSR activities of Sahabad Sugar Mill have had a tangible impact on the local community. These initiatives range from health and education programs to infrastructure development projects such as road repairs and school renovations. By investing in the community, the mill not only fulfills its corporate responsibilities but also builds a resilient community.

#### Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Adherence to legal and regulatory frameworks is paramount at Sahabad Sugar Mill. The facility is compliant with all local, state, and national regulations, maintaining certifications that testify to its commitment to quality and environmental stewardship. This compliance not only ensures uninterrupted operations but also builds trust among stakeholders.

#### Conclusion

The Sahabad Sugar Mill is more than just an industrial entity; it is a vital component of the regional fabric, supporting agriculture, fostering community development, and leading environmental stewardship. As it moves forward, the mill continues to adapt and innovate, ensuring its role as a leader in India’s sugar industry and a pillar of the local economy. With ongoing projects and future expansions on the horizon, the mill is set to continue its legacy of growth and community support.